Musical Director & Conductor

Madeleine Dyer

Madeleine Dyer was appointed as Musical Director and Conductor of the Hobart Orpheus Choir in November 2022.

Madeleine grew up on the North West Coast of Tasmania and began her musical education with in both piano and singing and as a member of the Crescendo Choir. She regularly competed in local Eisteddfods. After a year in Italy as an exchange student, Madeleine studied piano at the University of Melbourne. She moved back to Tasmania to study Classical Voice at the Hobart Conservatorium.

Madeleine is a Hobart based conductor, accompanist, voice and piano teacher and professional singer. She is currently also the Director of Music at Choral Productions Tasmania and is the conductor of the Tasmanian Youth Orchestra Youth Chorale. She teaches private piano and vocal students to certified teaching at the International Academy of Music, Hobart. Madeleine performs frequently in Hobart as a soprano, her recent roles including Mozart Requiem, Lloyd Weber Requiem, Purcell Dido and Aeneas, and Handel Triumph of Time and Truth. She holds a Bmus, A.mus.A, a CMT and is a licenced Encore teacher.

Madeleine has a deep passion for bringing music accessibility to the community around her. Her choirs are non-auditioned and require only a love for music and respect for one-another. Her goal is to empower and encourage community musical groups to strive for excellence through effective training, management and direction. Her plans for future concerts vary across many genres and collaborations with other community music groups around Hobart.